We've become a mouse and a Lynx for you fine listeners this time around. Seeing as how this is recorded early, we're drinking coffee and juice this week, sorry to those who wanted us to get drunk.

We get a lovely phone call from @nic_caballero about free beer at a wedding, and we find out that Mr. Lynx has never been to a wedding so if you're thinking of having one, try inviting him. The reason we drink at home this week is to not get a DUI for driving a lawnmower drunk and find out about a man who drives a golf cart drunk. Whats happening in the world this week? A man had his sandwich stolen by a bear, another hit a woman in the face for loosing at Monopoly and a dentist who drops tools down people's throats. Also our jerk of this week is our local Province newspaper. The mouse found a drink calculator that tells you how many drinks it takes to kill you. And hey Tom, Way To Go Bucko!
Hey everyone, our segment contest is over and we've started a couple new ones! "Word of the week" from Shelia, and a nickname game from Ryan Angus. Thanks for your submissions everyone (sorry we're not taking off our shirts). Our word of the week is Guck.
This week we tell you about a man who attacks his roommate with a coconut, a porcelain bowl and a wooden carving, we review 500 Days of Summer and Up! We have some twitter warriors this week, @hollytiller, @latincouver and @wonderboy01. We also got rick-rolled via twitter and it turns out it's our good pal @Louie_E's birthday. Happy birthday Louie E!
Remember to email us at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
Give us a call at +13603397922 (remember it's long distance outside of Olympia WA.)
And follow us on the twitters at twitter.com/tgba
Have a great week everyone. Sorry this one is going up a little late, but we got it up didn't we?
Hey everyone, I've finally gotten the images of the week up. I hope you enjoy them (-Mouse)

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8 sweet comments:
I had completely forgotten... TGBA is better than Definitely Not The Opera when it comes to prizes. But how can this be verified? Have any prizes gone out?
Tomek Maciaszek = T-Mac
I can attest to the fact that TGBA has DNTO beat in the way of prizes as I have received prizes from both shows! For baring my soul and singing on the air for CBC, I was sent a grey fleece scarf with the DNTO logo affixed (in June) and a handful of DNTO stickers. While, TGBA sent me a very cool customized CD and a beautiful congratulations card signed by the Two Guys. And I'm almost certain that Sook-Yin had no involvement with the prize package sent to me, whereas the personal touch from the Two Guys was very clear and much appreciated. So there.
I always thought it was T-Maz. Just sayin'.
I noticed that you guys and grapes of rad have stories about bears invading homes/stealing sandwiches... I'm afraid that bears are trying to take over the world. Do we have any hope or should we just bow down before our new bear overlords?
Listening to this episode was the best party of the 10 hour drive from kansas city to denver.
miss you guys!
Another great show!
Trevor I shall never bow to the bears!!!! We shall train an Owl army of the night and defend the earth.
Well....at least until they migrate...then we are doomed...
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