We've gotten a special gift from previous guest Lance the Swamp Cucumber in the form of some dank ally graffiti featuring our url.

We put Momma and Poppa Bee on the hot seat this week and they sure can hold their own (just so you know reel-to-reel also Long John Baldry).
What's happening in the world this week? Well let me tell you. A Chinese woman has tried to break a world record for the longest dress train. Also a whale explodes and Radio Shack takes a new name. Our Jerk of the week this time is Sudan for disallowing women from wear pants. Now onto the images of the week (of which there are many): First of a squirrel who wanted to get involved in a family photo:

Then there's a synchronized swimming team who weren't ready to be photographed:

Finally there is a dog party going on:

The reason we drink at home this week is so that we don't end up passing out in a BMW. Also, did you know that a woman has decided to marry a roller coaster? And we comment on the death of jazz as well as repetition in music and the science of how we hear music (lifted from an episode of Radio Lab). It turns out to be a very interesting conversation. We also mention in passing Bob Dylan is putting out a Christmas album (Blowin' in the Winter?).
Our stories this week include a review of a baseball game from the Bee, a system of caves under the pyramids and a 3000 year old statue which looks like Michael Jackson. Also they've found a monolith on mars, a woman gets stuck beside her toilet and Momma Bee gives us and entry to our "Way to go Bucko" segment.
We have some twitter warriors this week in the form of @stephaniedrury and @_khildebrand. Also we got an entry for our drawing contest from Peter the Clam, unfortunately its a few weeks too late. Here's the entry anyways.

If you'd like to hear more of the band we played check it out at Bonders.
To get a hold of us you can email us at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
Also follow us on twitter @tgba.
And if your really brave give us a call at +13603397922.
Thanks for listening and we'll see you again next week.
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11 sweet comments:
You guys need to add another couple of options to your poll:
"sort of"
"What do you mean by boat"
"What do you mean by have"
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
Best episode yet. For real. Especially liked the sci-fi portion of the show. Keep up the great work, you make my sundays FUNdays.
Play more Bonders!
your parents were delightful! and funny!
Speaking of that woman marrying the ride, there's a documentary about that weirdness. Part 1 on youtube here... it's really weird... and why won't it let me paste a link in here? Doing by hand then...
are you? have you? really?!
Commenting from my iPods, might be heading thru Vancouver tomorrow or the next night for sure at this moment yous guys commenting on twilight (ugh sparkly vampires -facepalm-) get back to me with swift haste! I can meet up at your jobiness, my iPods has your show on it for the trip south. Good stuff.
Omg talkshoe guy WTF holy crap he types craaazy even more crazy then I. There is also blogtv it's cam based so you guys would need masks and mods (intertube trolls live on places like that)
I love Davidleebooth
Boooo! I can't download this ep! You're screwing up my OCD completionism!
try this link: http://www.archive.org/download/Episode21BeeAndAnt/Episode021-AntBeeMamaAndPap.mp3
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