This week we become a Blue Whale and a Giant Squid and we have some super special guests: we're joined this week by Leanne the Thunderbird and Holly the Sasquatch. Leanne comes down all the way from Germany and Holly is taking off to Montreal this week so it feels very special. Also this week we actually talk about our animals.

Right off the bat we got a review of Inglorious Bastards from our good pal @louie_e, thanks again to him. Were drinking beer this week but we have a special treat from Germany called Kuemmerling. Of course we put our guests on the hot seat again and we all have a good time with it.
The reason we drink at home this week is so we don't get trapped in a church. Our jerk of the week this week is local phone company Telus for many reasons. This week in the world, whats happening is: some hipsters fight, some people get nude at a hotel window and Microsoft is Racist. Also a woman called 911 on McDonald's after they run out of Chicken Nuggets.
You're not going to believe the images of the week this time so here they are.

(Sorry I don't have access to the second one right now. I will be up as soon as possible -Blue Whale)
On the twitter, why not check out @shitmydadsays. Also they're making a poem out of twitter.
This week we get a little bit sentimental about our old band Bonders and we talk about a train market.
Remember that you can email us at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
You can follow us on twitter @tgba.
You can also give us a call to our voicemail at 1-360-339-7922
Until next time watch out for boat thieves everyone!

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Episode 022 - Toad and Wallaby

This week us guys become a Toad and a Wallaby. We have a new studio setup starting this week and we'd like to know how you think it sounds. We finally have a word of the week and its boor. The jerk of the week this week is a woman who doesn't like the warning pictures on her cigarette packs.

Since this is a day episode we're not drinking alcohol and instead slam down a BC Buds Energy Drink (side note: I cant find a single web page detailing this drink. It's a little scary. -Wallaby). Our this is why we drink at home this week is to make sure we don't hop on our snowmobile while drunk in the summer. We discuss an 8 year old who breaks a record for the youngest wing walker as well as a man whose nipples are a radio.
Whats happening in the world this week? A man tries to rob a bank with a fake robot suit, Bob Dylan gets arrested and a man attacks people with ducks.
Our image of the week this week is amazing and I'll let it speak for itself.

In the news this week we discuss some irritating buskers, a serious story about bad law enforcement in Vancouver and a personal recount by the Toad of a bad response by the police. We also discuss putpockets in London, a pregnant woman giving birth to cheese and in another cheese related story the French are making cheese weapons. Also, lightning bolts which produce artificial organs (ie. Frankenstein), hamsters take over a school and an alien peeping tom. Also a penguin wears a suit!

Thanks everyone for listening and writing in and commenting. If you'd like to do more of that you can send emails to twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
You can follow us on twitter @tgba.
Also you can send us a voicemail at 13603397922.
Remember to rate us and review us on iTunes as well.
Once again thanks for listening!


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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Episode 021 - Ant & Bee Ma & Pa

On this episode we are an Ant and a Bee. We have TWO special guests this time around; Momma and Poppa Bee came by to join in on the show and it's great to have them.

We've gotten a special gift from previous guest Lance the Swamp Cucumber in the form of some dank ally graffiti featuring our url.

We put Momma and Poppa Bee on the hot seat this week and they sure can hold their own (just so you know reel-to-reel also Long John Baldry).
What's happening in the world this week? Well let me tell you. A Chinese woman has tried to break a world record for the longest dress train. Also a whale explodes and Radio Shack takes a new name. Our Jerk of the week this time is Sudan for disallowing women from wear pants. Now onto the images of the week (of which there are many): First of a squirrel who wanted to get involved in a family photo:

Then there's a synchronized swimming team who weren't ready to be photographed:

Finally there is a dog party going on:

The reason we drink at home this week is so that we don't end up passing out in a BMW. Also, did you know that a woman has decided to marry a roller coaster? And we comment on the death of jazz as well as repetition in music and the science of how we hear music (lifted from an episode of Radio Lab). It turns out to be a very interesting conversation. We also mention in passing Bob Dylan is putting out a Christmas album (Blowin' in the Winter?).
Our stories this week include a review of a baseball game from the Bee, a system of caves under the pyramids and a 3000 year old statue which looks like Michael Jackson. Also they've found a monolith on mars, a woman gets stuck beside her toilet and Momma Bee gives us and entry to our "Way to go Bucko" segment.
We have some twitter warriors this week in the form of @stephaniedrury and @_khildebrand. Also we got an entry for our drawing contest from Peter the Clam, unfortunately its a few weeks too late. Here's the entry anyways.

If you'd like to hear more of the band we played check it out at Bonders.
To get a hold of us you can email us at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
Also follow us on twitter @tgba.
And if your really brave give us a call at +13603397922.
Thanks for listening and we'll see you again next week.


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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Episode 020 - Mouse and Lynx

This week is the early episode (aka the Hurdy Gurdy episode), recorded in the early afternoon.
We've become a mouse and a Lynx for you fine listeners this time around. Seeing as how this is recorded early, we're drinking coffee and juice this week, sorry to those who wanted us to get drunk.

We get a lovely phone call from @nic_caballero about free beer at a wedding, and we find out that Mr. Lynx has never been to a wedding so if you're thinking of having one, try inviting him. The reason we drink at home this week is to not get a DUI for driving a lawnmower drunk and find out about a man who drives a golf cart drunk. Whats happening in the world this week? A man had his sandwich stolen by a bear, another hit a woman in the face for loosing at Monopoly and a dentist who drops tools down people's throats. Also our jerk of this week is our local Province newspaper. The mouse found a drink calculator that tells you how many drinks it takes to kill you. And hey Tom, Way To Go Bucko!
Hey everyone, our segment contest is over and we've started a couple new ones! "Word of the week" from Shelia, and a nickname game from Ryan Angus. Thanks for your submissions everyone (sorry we're not taking off our shirts). Our word of the week is Guck.
This week we tell you about a man who attacks his roommate with a coconut, a porcelain bowl and a wooden carving, we review 500 Days of Summer and Up! We have some twitter warriors this week, @hollytiller, @latincouver and @wonderboy01. We also got rick-rolled via twitter and it turns out it's our good pal @Louie_E's birthday. Happy birthday Louie E!

Remember to email us at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
Give us a call at +13603397922 (remember it's long distance outside of Olympia WA.)
And follow us on the twitters at twitter.com/tgba
Have a great week everyone. Sorry this one is going up a little late, but we got it up didn't we?

Hey everyone, I've finally gotten the images of the week up. I hope you enjoy them (-Mouse)


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