Saturday, February 27, 2010

Episode 049 - Wallaby and Chickadee

This week, we're broadcasting from downtown Vancouver - in the middle of all the Olympic madness. well... kinda. We're a wallaby and a chickadee and we promise this is the last episode where we will be so distracted by the Olympics.

We talked about this:

and we talked about this:

and the well spoken wallaby gave a sour review of this:

until next time folks, cowichan sweater!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Episode 048 - Porpoise and Badger

We're a porpoise and a badger this week. It's pretty alright.We don't have much in the way of actual news stories - we opt to blather on about the Olympics instead.

Hey, you! Live in Vancouver? Why not come out and say hi to us as we record episode 49!? We'll be sitting on these black, modern benches outside at the CBC building in downtown Vancouver.
700 Hamilton St, between Georgia and Robson. We'll have a single helium balloon with us!

8pm, Friday, February 26th
Seriously, we would love to meet you.

View Larger Map

Also, it will be Ryan's birthday, so bring a gift!

In lieu of an official image of the week, look at this great graffiti submitted by Sheila the rainbow trout!
Until next time, folks, does employment trump regret?

download now!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Episode 047 - Aardvark and Newt

Hey there folks, this week we are an Aardvark and a Newt. The Winter Olympics are in full swing in the very same city we record the podcast so obviously we have a thing or two to say about that. Also it should be mentioned that one the newt is Sick and the Aardvark is very tired this week so collectively that makes us "Sick and Tired".

Some topics for this week: How about the fact that shovelling snow can give you a heart attack. Also, old people in Shanghai are doing drugs to play more mahjong.
In valentines day news, a farmer has crafted a giant poo-heart in his field to impress his wife.
This week is stupidity? Well a robber was found thanks to his tracks in the snow, the Chilean Mint spelled Chile wrong, people used to wear radioactive condoms and some guy got naked at the airport.
If that wasn't enough we also loaded up an image of the week:

Also whiskey toothpaste:

Hey, why not drop us a line...
@tgba on the tweeeeeeter.

Thanks for everything,
Until next time, get your heat packs ready...


Friday, February 5, 2010

Episode 046 - Two Woodpeckers, Unplugged

Well folks, you'll never believe it. We've gone and done an unplugged show. No headphones, no streaming, no fancy sound effects. No stories, no segments, no nothing! Just a post-apocalypse campfire and some tequila. We're a couple of woodpeckers, what are the chances??