Well folks, you'll never believe it. We've gone and done an unplugged show. No headphones, no streaming, no fancy sound effects. No stories, no segments, no nothing! Just a post-apocalypse campfire and some tequila. We're a couple of woodpeckers, what are the chances??
hey guys. ryan, I didn't know you were going to the magnetic fields, but I just got home from their show here tonight. they were all super sick. they sang that song. I hope you have fun leaving canada.
So, before you guys have all your listeners believing that EVERYBODY in Kelowna is an apathetic, self-absorbed asshole, please note that there are those of us who would at very least have called the cops and shouted to draw attention to the situation had we witnessed it.
On Monday at 5pm there will be a rally in Kelowna, starting at the location this man was attacked and making our way along the route he walked before being offered assistance, to show community support for the individuals who so often become the senseless victims of cowardice and opportunity.
What makes this story even more disgusting, however, is that this man had a similar experience the week prior, in which his spleen was ruptured and had to be removed. The previous attack went unreported, as do many of the attacks on homeless people in our community.
So much to follow up on! Well, three things at least...
Firstly, Sheila, thank you for letting us know we're extinct. We had no idea.
Secondly, Mr. Badger, thank you for the concern, but Pablo Diablo should be just fine. He is currently kneading his front paws into my blanket, so as to provide me with a well-tenderized sleeping experience tonight.
Lastly, Sheila, we hope you know that we know that there are many, many fine, upstanding people in Kelowna and everywhere that would not have stood by while this guy was beaten. It's just a shame that none of them were around when it happened. I think it's great that there is a rally on Monday, and I hope it gets some publicity. Please keep us informed.
Thanks for listening, everyone. I hope you enjoyed our acoustic, no-frills episode.
The rally went quite well, I was rather shocked. Generally these types of events in Kelowna don't gather much response, especially when it's rainy out, but a decent crowd appeared. Though the article estimates 125, while scanning the crowd I lost count at closer to 160.
Great Episode woodpeckers! I, for one, hold out hope that you are not extinct. As ivory bills you guys are the holy grail/big foot of the ornithologist world and Cornell University still has field crews go out to search for you guys every year. There was a blury UFO-style photo that surfaced in 2004 that suggests you might still be around. To add to the horror, if you are extinct the 4 species of feather-mites that were found exclusively on Ivorybills are also extinct....in case you were curious about species obligate feather mites.
As for your picture, I regret to inform you that if the photo is accurate one of you is a female....sorry.
Thanks for making me laugh! You guys should go unplugged again sometime!
13 sweet comments:
Judging by your photo, you guys are a couple of ivory-billed woodpeckers.
I hate to break it to you, but you're extinct.
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout.
hey guys. ryan, I didn't know you were going to the magnetic fields, but I just got home from their show here tonight. they were all super sick. they sang that song. I hope you have fun leaving canada.
Please tell me Pablo Diablo is OK. Not sure I can enjoy to this ep til I know. ~badger
(ignore the typo. Had a beer. In honor Of pablo diablo)
So, before you guys have all your listeners believing that EVERYBODY in Kelowna is an apathetic, self-absorbed asshole, please note that there are those of us who would at very least have called the cops and shouted to draw attention to the situation had we witnessed it.
On Monday at 5pm there will be a rally in Kelowna, starting at the location this man was attacked and making our way along the route he walked before being offered assistance, to show community support for the individuals who so often become the senseless victims of cowardice and opportunity.
What makes this story even more disgusting, however, is that this man had a similar experience the week prior, in which his spleen was ruptured and had to be removed. The previous attack went unreported, as do many of the attacks on homeless people in our community.
~The Enraged Rainbow Trout.
So much to follow up on! Well, three things at least...
Firstly, Sheila, thank you for letting us know we're extinct. We had no idea.
Secondly, Mr. Badger, thank you for the concern, but Pablo Diablo should be just fine. He is currently kneading his front paws into my blanket, so as to provide me with a well-tenderized sleeping experience tonight.
Lastly, Sheila, we hope you know that we know that there are many, many fine, upstanding people in Kelowna and everywhere that would not have stood by while this guy was beaten. It's just a shame that none of them were around when it happened. I think it's great that there is a rally on Monday, and I hope it gets some publicity. Please keep us informed.
Thanks for listening, everyone. I hope you enjoyed our acoustic, no-frills episode.
Best. episode. ever....
I don't want you to lose the segments... but they are not mandatory, just have fun with it. You always have.
Wow. Despite the departure from the norm, damn... I don't think I laughed so much in ages. Actual laughing.
Oh, and from the older pics of Ian that I have seen, Ian's doppleganger is sooooo older pics of Danny elfman. Oingo boingo days....
this ep. was actually a total homage to the early days before you guys formed more defined segments. very nice to stay true to the roots. keep it up!
The rally went quite well, I was rather shocked. Generally these types of events in Kelowna don't gather much response, especially when it's rainy out, but a decent crowd appeared. Though the article estimates 125, while scanning the crowd I lost count at closer to 160.
~Rainbow Trout Reporting.
Great Episode woodpeckers! I, for one, hold out hope that you are not extinct. As ivory bills you guys are the holy grail/big foot of the ornithologist world and Cornell University still has field crews go out to search for you guys every year. There was a blury UFO-style photo that surfaced in 2004 that suggests you might still be around.
To add to the horror, if you are extinct the 4 species of feather-mites that were found exclusively on Ivorybills are also extinct....in case you were curious about species obligate feather mites.
As for your picture, I regret to inform you that if the photo is accurate one of you is a female....sorry.
Thanks for making me laugh! You guys should go unplugged again sometime!
Wait.... did you guys make a new favicon? Or did I just never notice it before?
and how cool to hear from the narwhal again... HI NARWHAL. Kitchi kitchi Koo, scritch under the chin. etc.
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