Since this is a day episode we're not drinking alcohol and instead slam down a BC Buds Energy Drink (side note: I cant find a single web page detailing this drink. It's a little scary. -Wallaby). Our this is why we drink at home this week is to make sure we don't hop on our snowmobile while drunk in the summer. We discuss an 8 year old who breaks a record for the youngest wing walker as well as a man whose nipples are a radio.
Whats happening in the world this week? A man tries to rob a bank with a fake robot suit, Bob Dylan gets arrested and a man attacks people with ducks.
Our image of the week this week is amazing and I'll let it speak for itself.

In the news this week we discuss some irritating buskers, a serious story about bad law enforcement in Vancouver and a personal recount by the Toad of a bad response by the police. We also discuss putpockets in London, a pregnant woman giving birth to cheese and in another cheese related story the French are making cheese weapons. Also, lightning bolts which produce artificial organs (ie. Frankenstein), hamsters take over a school and an alien peeping tom. Also a penguin wears a suit!

Thanks everyone for listening and writing in and commenting. If you'd like to do more of that you can send emails to twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
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Also you can send us a voicemail at 13603397922.
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9 sweet comments:
"That's grampa for ya, always giving the kids candy and making 'em wingwalk"
this is my new motto.
Great show so far, but I'm very disappointed by your bit on the buskers... I mean really - you guys bitching about buskers playing the same tunes again and again?! Have you completely forgotten your teen years?
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
dear sheila,
two things, in defense...
1. while we may have been out of tune (most likely) i like to remember that we at least had more than two songs in our repertoire.
2. these guys are 39 and 40!
ian (toad)
Dear Ian,
1. Yes, you definitely did have more than two.
2. Age shouldn't be an issue.
3. Good show, regardless.
4. Nothing really, I just wanted to add another number.
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
5. I don't steal boats. At least, I haven't stolen any boats to date.
Dude Wallaby is that a rocketpac on your back in the picture.
Why yes it is, thanks for noticing. I'm the worlds first rocket powered Wallaby.
you guys need to put a "maybe" option on your boat poll. this is outrageous.
- Brutus the Bareboon BaKnuckle
Amazing black bear footage in news report: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5C2gihnEkE
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
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