This week we're drinking Granville Island Raspberry Wheat Ale and we would suggest you do the same.
We tell you about a jerk cop of the week, and we wont tell you any more about it (it's a surprise). Also this week, we drink at home so that we don't drunkenly drive to a police station to renew our driver's licenses.
What's happening in the world this week? A strange newspaper correction and someone gets a strange suggestion from Google. Also an officer of the law arrests a McDonald's employee for over salting his burger.
We have an image of the week so awesome we can only link to it!
We tell you a story this week about a man who falls in love with a pillow, and the T. Rex gives you a review of the Vancouver Maritime Museum and his new fountain.
We've made a new twitter friend this week, @zoodlezap and we get another tweet from @nic_caballero. Our twitter warrior this week is @christmasgoose.
Remember to toss us those emails at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
Follow us on Twitter @tgba.
Give us a call at +13603397922.
Also, if you get the chance give us a rate on iTunes.
See you again next week.
Download now!
8 sweet comments:
I loved the part where Ian reviewed the maritime museum and his fountain. You guys should review more stuff, it will increase your listening base. Except maybe you should rate things with stars instead of thumbs because you only have two thumbs, but there are millions of stars.
how do i vote? how do i vote? best of...
uhm, yea...
unfortunately the voting for the Georgia Straight's Best of Vancouver poll closed just before episode 19 was posted. a total oversight on my part! maybe next year.. thanks for trying to vote!
p.s. graham houston! great to see you commenting! we will do more reviews just for you. what shall we review next?
Id like to thank the hairy bear for his excellent advice on bear encounters. I hugged a bear and it worked real good for us both. Thanks for looking out for your listeners, TGBA.
-Smoking Pat
you guys are so gullible. those matching "I saw you" ads were totally faked. the ID# on them are in sequence!
Dear Smoking Pat,
I'm glad our friend could help you out with that. Just think, had you not listened to our podcast, that could have been a much worse situation.
Good news, Ursus americanus IS the proper scientific name for black bears!
huh... sounds funny really, because... let's see how it works and the judge haha
Thanks for sharing nice post.
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