The reason we drink at home this week involved a man who inherited money and decides to give it away at an airport while drunk. Also our jerk of the week this week is people who don't know how to act properly while on public transportation.
Some listeners sent in some photos of these animals' home town getting burned down. Here's a prime choice from the selection of photos from listener Sheila:

In our stories this week include a man who uncovers the secret of the KFC 11 herbs and spices, Japanese workers who must smile into a machine before going to work and a study that finds that if you keep a picture of a cute baby in your wallet you'll likely get it returned if lost.
Also we discuss a man who got denied a loan screw a bank over to the best of his ability.
Plus, theres plenty more beard references this time around (just tell us if you think we should stop). We also got a letter from the Moth's brother this time around and he sends us to the site fuh2.com.
We've come across some fine tweets from @tabloidman and @rob who is the first ever Hawaiian tweeter.
Our image of the week this time around is the last photo taken by Japanese photographer Michio Hoshino:

You can send in your ideas to twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com.
Also if your idea is compact you can tweet it to us a twitter.com/tgba
Or give us a call on our voicemail at +13603397922.
Have a good weekend everyone!
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9 sweet comments:
Segment idea: Word of the week. Give us a word, define it for us, and try to incorporate it into the podcast where applicable.
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
Imagine A Dream
where you're the king of the punks
and every morning you leave your house and find ten lesser punks
waiting to crowd surf you wherever you want to go
and the eleventh lesser punk carries a ghetto blaster
I never had a feeling til I felt your hand. I jumped upon the floor and then I slept in some sand.
You moose necks are fantastically subsinct when it comes to poetry!
Thanks from a man of the land.
-Man of the land
Segment Idea: Roof Pops.
Drink a beer on the roof with your shirts off!
Segment Idea: Shotgun Diplomacy
If you guys accidently begin to argue during and episode, you each have to take off your shirts, shotgun a beer, and apologize to one another.
Segment Idea: Take regular names and turn them into slang names.
ryan - rubby
ryan angus - rangus
ryan wagner - r dubs
justin gradin - j gro
graham houston - g rig
john rogers - johnny boy, sloop john
derek howard - dh, caveman
ian -(seeing) i dog
holly - hollinator, hollskie, hollinberry
tracey vath - t vo
darcey hancock - d ho
john - turtle
I'm sorry, Rangus, but I believe "Turtle" is reserved for those with the given name Marc.
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
Also the name Leonard Cohen.
-MK-Ultra the otter
cool, I win for most slang names in the bunch... also, longest.
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