We give a few new segments a go this week in our New Segment Segment. First we have an appology of the week: a radio thief from 1955 has finally apologized for stealing a radio from a college teachers lounge. Also there's cute of the week, in which a young boy becomes a ring bear.
Our jerk of the week this time is a man who burglarized a home and stole nothing but the turkey. Also in the world of strange crimes, a man broke in to cook a meal and another man used a moving crew to rob a house (what!?).
Also, ya' like scary stuff? Well...

How 'bout funny stuff?

An old couple this week were arrested and detained for two hours for waving at a child.
Also, I'm sure I'm missing something here.
Don't forget to write in, twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com
and twitter us, @tgba.
Also call us 1-360-339-7922.
Until next time, it's 2:07 am, ask me what I'm doing up at this hour.
download now!
6 sweet comments:
What were you doing up at 2:07am?
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
Great show. I think that I have said before that I am a human,(note: not a "animal") and being one I often think what would be the best marinade be for that weeks animal. here are some suggestions for a raccoon, homemade french dressing. A giraffe marjoram, thyme, cracked black pepper, with corn oil (olive oil is ok too)
Starting up the grill,
Unlike what I said on Twitter, and having listened to back episodes, I now blame my behaviour on eating alcoholic berries on the side of a German highway. Not on the Rabies.
You guys should "mix it up" a bit. Be like, a HippopotoMouse and a TiGorilla" or something, like that sometime.
Wow. Speaking of back episodes, the two young ladies on Ep 23 (Sasquatch and Thunderbird} are awesome. They Should do their own show.
(PS, sorry about putting comments aboot (haha) old episodes on sweet comments of latest the latest episodes sweet comments, but I'm guessing you dudes don't check back on old episode sweet comments)
My little joke inspired a tongue twister for ya. Especially seeing Boats are a theme on this show, it seems.
Say this three times fast:
"Bob put his boots on. Bob bounded to the boat, but the boat wasn't about"
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