So Mr. Isopod gives us some interesting and really awful facts about himself this week. It's terrifying. Our jerk of the week this time around is two-fold; first it's those people in class who agree with the Professor way to loud for a classroom setting. Also the Dutch police who mow down some hemp plants which were being grown for research. The reason we drink at home this week is so we dont call 911 on the bartender who cuts us off. Also so we dont ride a motorcycle naked around Florida. Finally our Way to go Bucko segment is back; a cat survives for a month under a burnt down house.
Hey everyone, whats happening in the world this week? A man gets crushed in a church while thanking god for surviving an elevator incident. Also a person gets a bag of pot and a handgun instead of fast food. Also a German city advertises porn as a city service and a 107 year old woman is dating a 37 year old man.
We've done a little follow up on the Kurt Cobain avatar complaint in the new Guitar Hero Game; she says it wasn't her but some people are saying otherwise.
Our stories this week include a man that tries to attack a party with a sword after being kicked out for smoking meth. Also in South Africa a pigeon is faster than the internet. Also some urine made a beautiful light show in the sky. In addition to that our images of the week goes along with a story about a snake with a foot:

Also on a lighter side of things, this one sent in by our pal Justin:

Remember to send in those emails folks, our internetz address is twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com
Also follow us up on twitter @tgba.
You can throw us a line on our voice mail at 1-360-339-7922.
Remember to send in those slogans for Pat's Classic Lager!
Thanks for listening everyone and until next time make sure we did it right:

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2 sweet comments:
True about S. Africa's internet. we only has super slow dial up. when I was living in S.A. my friend who worked in the computer field always asked "what is cable internet really like!"
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