This week, we become a star-nosed mole and a meerkat! The mole is sick, so he talks pretty quietly. But we make up for his lack of volume with bombastic stories from all over the globe!

We drink at home this week so we don't end up in a supermarket eating avocados that we can't afford. The drink of the week is the mystical and practically medicinal Hot Toddie! It sure did open up those sinuses!
Also discussed this week are a man who found pieces of a frog in his can of good 'ol Pepsi Cola and a study about monkeys and their musical tastes! Furthermore, the mole talk about an alien baby found in Mexico, and the meerkat relates a tale of two New Zealand teens who busted a company for false advertising! Way to go!
Our Twitter warriors this week were @lunylvgd and @brynnamurphy. They both said "kooky" in a tweet this week! What are the chances!?
The music we played this week was by a Swedish band called Billie the Vision and the Dancers! You can download any or all of their music for free at their website here!
We eluded to the fact that next week we will actually be sponsored by a real company! They will be providing us with goods both to consume and also to give away to residents of Vancouver, so stay tuned! Also, our 26th episode will mark our six month anniversary and it's going to be a spectacular celebration! If you have any favorite quotes or moments from any of our previous shows, please write to us and tell us what they were and we'll try to put together some sort of montage!
Don't forget to email us at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com or find us on the Twitter! Lastly, you can call us at 1-360-339-7922. Thanks for listening folks, and remember... keep fit, and have fun!
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4 sweet comments:
Congratulations on your sponsorship! First of many, I am sure.
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
Also, I agree that Telus is certainly jerk-of-the-week-worthy, however when compared to 40 lashings for wearing pants - well. I think you get what I'm saying.
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
Holy, moly. I've got commenting fever.
Just to note, though we didn't necessarily "celebrate" it, we in our household did certainly acknowledge our washing machine's 20th birthday on August 5th. We took a picture of it and the manufacturing date sticker. I would post a link, but it is living on Kris the Grizzly Bear's computer, which I do not have access to.
~Again, Sheila the Rainbow Trout, bombarding your comment wall.
you're right. the poll and the entire segment is severely lacking a level playing field. it is flawed. perhaps in the future, folks like the Sudanese government will require a new segment so we don't just seem like jerks ourselves for likening them to something as trite as telus.
-Ian the star nosed mole.
PS. thank you for taking our show fishing. Seriously.
PPS. Here's to 20 more years for 'ol washie machina!
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