We tried to relax this episode. We talked about some friends in faraway places... Derek, Leanne, Matt and Kim. Also, Lance! We did some conference calling as well. Just listen and pretend you're there! Don't forget, you've got one week left to enter our DRAW US A PICTURE contest! Draw something on your computer, or on paper, or on a wall, or anywhere and send us a picture of it! The winner will receive a fabulous prize package. As you may have heard on a previous episode, our prizes are better than CBC's Definitely Not the Opera's prizes! Finally, take a quick moment to vote in our first ever poll! Vote for what is, in your opinion, the jerkiest jerk of the week, and let's see what happens folks! You can find the poll near the top right of our website! Woww!
Thanks for listening! Email us! Tweet us! Call us up @ 360 339 7922 !
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8 sweet comments:
I'm glad you mentioned the hazardous consequences of using twitter. I am not currently "on the twitter" as you say, and this just reaffirms my decision! What kinda of bubble tea do you recommend spiking? Also, I stumbled upon this drink recipe...sounded nice and summery. Lynchburg Lemonade: Jack Daniels, triple sec, lemonade, ginger ale and lemon squeeze: martini style.
This week I listened to your show in Dresden with K&M! RANDOM.
also, just for you I googled manly drinks (to help you out)
love hollykoalie
dear anonymous,
thank you for listening! we don't know what kind of bubble tea to recommend spiking yet, but we will get back to you! also, thanks for the lynchburg lemonade recipe! i have heard of this drink before and it sounds mighty refreshing!
dear holly the koalie,
we're glad to hear you made it to dresden! thank you for being an international listener of TGBA! have fun!
Hi Two guys! Long time listener, first time writer. Love the show.Any plans on becoming a pair of the same animal for an episode? Might be fun, dontcha think? For example you could be a pair of wildabeasts?
Perry Mason: Thats not a bad idea. I've never really thought of it before. What do you think of something like a pair o' parakeets. Ha! Thanks for listening and keep those comments coming.
thanks for the shout outs to Germany and beyond...can you call phil spector with skype out?
it's great to hear from you! do you have a phone # while in south america? email us if you do and perhaps you can give us an update on our next episode?
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