Also, look at this funny picture of astronaut squirrels:

thanks to everyone who listened, told a friend, wrote us an email or called our voicemail over the last 52 episodes! we would not be doing this without you.
two guys being animals.
p.s. ask and ye shall receive! we now have a shorter URL! try it, just for fun..
download now!

thanks to everyone who listened, told a friend, wrote us an email or called our voicemail over the last 52 episodes! we would not be doing this without you.
two guys being animals.
p.s. ask and ye shall receive! we now have a shorter URL! try it, just for fun..
download now!
4 sweet comments:
It was tons of fun. So glad I stayed up late to watch it live. I laughed a lot, and the green screen was tons of fun. But two Crustations? That seems pretty Shell-fish.
Great show! I never knew the full back story to the Rubby nick-name.
Keep on podcasting. Happy anniversary!
Great job with this one, guys. Very interesting new theme song. I look forward to hearing some more new jingles, but at the same time fear I might miss some of the older ones.
Congratulations on sticking it out for a full year. Not a single episode missed... that's truly dedication. Your efforts are appreciated.
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout.
the new theme song is funny. very flight of the concordsy
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