Getting right into things, the reason we drink at home this week is so we don't get a 13 year old to be a designated driver. We bring back the website of interest segment this week and the website is Expense a Steak, where you can write off a steak dinner as a business expense.
Our jerk of the week is a woman who let her daughter ride in a cardboard box on top of a van driving down the highway.
What's happening in the world this week? A Florida woman was found dead in her house under 8 feet of garbage, a naked man was found hitting cars on the highway and another naked man has been at large for 4 years dancing in backyards (naked of course). Also a man tried to escape from prison with raisins and a karaoke singer was attacked for a bad performance.
We have a few stories this week: A crocodile has been arrested in Australia (submitted by Nic) and also in Australia racing fans have been "limited" to 24 beers per day at the races. Also we got a craigslist add for a hipster house cleaner.
Thats about it for this week folks,
once again remember to email us at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com
and follow us on twitter @tgba.
And give us a ring-a-ding at 1-360-339-7922
Until next time, don't try to run from an ostrich.
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4 sweet comments:
I first heard about your show on The Tech Guy, and I've been hooked ever since. After listening through all of your previous episodes, I found myself still wanting more. You guys are very funny, and the whole concept of becoming different animals each week is really fresh. If it weren't for that clever idea, I probably would have missed out on a great podcast. And I'm very glad I didn't.
I've hidden in the shadows for some time now, but your discussion on age in this week's show has drawn me out. I'm fifteen years old, and I have listened to podcasts since I was about 12. I think it's great that the two of you are so inviting to listeners of various ages, because most of the time people on the internets view someone of my age as inevitably immature and obnoxious (which is usually an accurate assumption). It's nice feeling welcome.
Keep up the great show!
A tiger and an ostrich joined a bear and a rainbow trout for drinks in a cabin in the woods. There was video evidence, however a certain Kris accidently deleted all the content from the camera. Made me sad :(
Also, you guys should always remember to include the number for your voicemail in the show... on the off chance that a very intoxicated rainbow trout and bear find a sweet spot for cellular phone reception and plot a means by which to remember the number and call.
~Sheila the Rainbow Trout
More video evidence has been created and is on its way to the internets.
so great to hear sweet johnny on the show!! i'm sure all of his listeners were pleased. (was he stoned on weed by any chance?) i hope he enjoys those canned goods and the cab ride to the boonies.
"don't give up that feeling"
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