Tarsier drinks some caesars, and we teach you how to make them. Meanwhile, Mongoose is still a bit sick, so he sticks with juice. Also, we claimed we would talk about crockpots, but we never actually did. Also, we got a message from Dave about his new lolspam blog.
In our Twitter segment, we mentioned @chris1547, @QueensOwnTalia, @BigFatLuckyCat, @DonnaRidgway, @Davidleebooth and @RealWorldCara.
Download it now!
Don't forget to email us at twoguysbeinganimals@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/tgba . We'll also soon be taking your calls on Skype! Our Skype username is TwoGuysBeingAnimals and we'll be announcing on Twitter when we're recording so you can call us up and chat! Thanks for listening!
Lastly, don't forget to check out the Grapes of Rad podcast! They said some really nice things about us at the beginning of their new episode, 32. We and them have linked arms to begin the North Western Podcasting Alliance of Unity (NoWPAU).
6 sweet comments:
its wor-chester-shire :P
would a group of mongoose be called mongeese?
I was wondering the same thing about the plural mongoose as I was editing.. I sure hope they're mongeese.
Worcester is pronounce 'wuster' by the locals, with the 'u' sound like the 'u' in the word pull. So, worcestershire is pronounced wustersheere (i sounds like long e). I don't make the rules, just tellin' ya about them.
in the states you can buy these
so.. yeah, you get clamato juice in the states.. WITH BEER.
The CAESAR turns 40. Some awesome Caesar variations as well as some history.
Love, Koala
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